Shri Sudhindra Sanman’-Scholarship for Saraswath Kashmiri Pandit children residing in Jammu and Kashmir
‘Shri Sudhindra Sanman’-Scholarship for Saraswath Kashmiri Pandit children residing in Jammu and Kashmir
‘Vishwa Saraswath Federation’ is distributing scholarship to deserving and needy Saraswath Kashmiri Pandits’ Students.This felicitation will be done by the divine hands of HH Shrimad Samyamindra Tirtha Swamiji of Shri Kashi Math Samsthan.
🔶Date : 25th March 2022
🔶Venue : Teacher Bhawan, Hospital Road, Gandhi Nagar, Jammu -180004
🔶 Time : 10AM to 1.30PM
Vishwa Saraswath Federation is inviting participation of like minded organizations and individuals in this historic initiative.
▶️ There will be Live coverage of the event on Vishwa Saraswath Federation Facebook and YouTube channel.
Facebook : https://t.co/vG0wobnksX
YouTube: https://t.co/kBYgcCpo8v
Sadar Pranam and Namaskar
On behalf of my Sarswath Kashmiri Pandit (Hindu) community and my own self I want to place on record my sincere and heartfelt Thanks to Swami ji and Vishwa Saraswath Federation for helping the Kashmiri Hindu students through ‘Shri Sudhindra Sanman’-Scholarship for Saraswath Kashmiri Pandit children residing in Jammu and Kashmir, which has helped many deserving and needy students to pursue their education smoothly and encouraged them to aspire for higher goals.
Please convey my deepest regards and Naman to HH Shrimad Samyamindra Tirtha Swamiji of Shri Kashi Math Samsthan and everybody associated with the cause the formal event for which was held at Jammu on March 25, 2022 at Teacher Bhawan.
Such initiatives would surely go a long way to re-establish the rich Hindu dominance in Kashmir.
Such initiatives for unemployed youth and other community members are also needed particularly people in media to counter the fake narrative propagated by anti-Hindu forces for the past seven decades.
I am sure with your help and Ashirwad we will re-establish the Hindutva in Kashmir and bring back the glory that was once the guiding light for whole world.
I would appreciate if you can give me a WhatsApp number and Email to communicate further.
Once again, a big Thankyou on behalf of Kashmiri Hindu community.
Warm regards
King C Bharati
(King Chiranjivi Pandit)
The Gypsy