The Confluence of Saraswaths Worldwide

The Confluence of Saraswaths Worldwide

The Confluence of Saraswaths Worldwide event was organized in Mangalore on 28th Nov 2021, where Saraswaths from across the world participated.

Event organized by the Vishwa Saraswath Federation (VSF) under the guidance of His Holiness Shrimad Samyamindra Tirtha Swamiji of Kashi Math Samsthan Varanasi.

Eminent speakers Padmashree Kashinath Pandita, Dr. Ajay Chrungoo, Shefali Vaidya, Aarti Tikoo, Lt Preeti Mohan, Dinesh Kamath, Rajesh Kaul, and Vedamurthy Sudhakar Bhat, and Vedamurty Mukunda Bhat addressed the gathering on different topics of Saraswath’s and their history.

This is one of the important conferences in recent times where subjects such as Hindu Saraswaths and their history, the exodus of Kashmiri Pandits and lessons learned, the role of Saraswaths in nation-building, Sanskrit – the mother language, Sharada Lipi, and role of Saraswath Maths for Saraswath unity discussed in detail. During this event, future action plans for Saraswath unity were deliberated.

The event was attended by different Saraswaths, including Kashmiri Saraswath Pandits, Mohyal Saraswaths, Rajasthan Saraswaths, Gowda Saraswath Brahmans, Chitrapura Saraswaths, and Rajapura Saraswaths from across the globe.